Friday, September 30, 2011


There are a bunch of cute things all over the internet to make for Halloween. I wanted to make my daughter something cool for a costume, but the holiday just sort of crept up on me. We have settled for Little Red Riding hood. We as in - my mother and I.
Wouldn't it figure that we find a free pattern that is easy to do and order all the yarn for it that someone else would post a way better looking hood, free and close to the same yarn. Why not do it?! Well, Provisional Cast On for one. That is a bitch to do!I have tried and tried and tried. Finally, I GOT IT! Or, so I thought. Unfortunately, I had to give up on that pattern.. Halloween is fastly approaching and I would like her to wear a completed hood, not some awesome half done thing. I was even looking forward to doing this cape! But my mom pointed something out. The sizes for Capuchon go up to 8 years! So maybe she can be Little Red Riding Hood another year. Or maybe I will just make the cape in a different color.
I really don't know. Lol.
So, after gauging, I am using two sizes bigger than the pattern calls for for the needles. I am sure it will be fine. I'm just going to town on this thing. It's a nice pretty red, and I think it will be... Okay.... Good enough for this year. I really need to plan ahead next year.

One of my friends that I used to work with at Safeway has recently moved to Reno. I miss her. She has decided to make me a rainbow hat. And I have decided to do a swap. She makes me the hat, I make her something in return. I tell you it is hard trying to come up with something!
I'm not going to post what I may find because there is a small chance that she is bored one day and stumbled upon this blog. Surprise ruined. No thank you. :P

Monday, September 26, 2011

.[Dish Cloths].

Today is my mother's birthday. I can't believe she is a day past 30, but she is. Right now we are working on getting her house more... Homey. She's doing a home office in Orange, she wants Orange kitchen things... Long story short. She likes Orange. And when I say like, what I really mean is she loves Orange. I daresay she would have her car Orange if she could tolerate it.

So for her birthday I decided to make her a few nice dish cloths, but really she can use them for whatever she wants to. I made them in colors she would probably use in her bathroom, which is accented in Oranges and Pinks. I gave them to her early because today she works and I won't see her, but I will call and tell her "Happy Birthday!" probably when she gets off of work.

I guess I should have warned you, my pictures are amateur because I take them with my cell phone. I had lost my digital camera, but recently have found it.. Not that finding it will change the fact that I can't take pictures. LOL

.[Skyrim Chart].

This game comes out on 11.11.11, and a bunch of people can't wait for it, my husband and I being one of them. Well, honestly there is two of us. :P
Even on Rav there is a small cult following for this game, and a bunch of people like littlecaptina's Skyrim Mittens, and a bunch of people are digging the chart, yet no one has made anything with it. Honestly I haven't either.. So I guess I don't have much room to talk. :P

.[Nyan Cat Chart].

I would very much love to see this chart used in some projects, but as of today (checks Ravelry again) there is only one project that is documented. On Ravelry.


To you, I say a nice warm "Hello and Welcome to this Blog!"
I am not usually good at Blogging. My main blog is just a page for me to go and vent about people because I feel that no one really listens to what I have to say because what I have to say is complete bull and I gripe. And I gripe a lot. People need a break.
I have decided to divide my knitting and crochet work into it's own blog so I can continue rambling in the other. So, without further Au Deu. (Is that how that is spelled? LOL)

The Blog.

I will post my two patterns then I will continue.